Sunday, August 7, 2011

Overcoming the Natural Man - Yielding to the Spirit - What I learned/My First Temple Sealing

Okay so I have two things I want to talk about.

First - I was able to attend my first temple sealing yesterday. It was amazing. I have been feeling a little less motivated about marriage recently so I was excited to go. I was hoping for inspiration ;). What I walked away with was something totally different. As I was sitting there listening to the words that were spoke by the sealer the importance of this decision was testified to me. I was then overcome with fear. Fear because of my feeling of inadequacy in making this decision. I feel like I am still in my "spiritual infancy" and to decide who you are going to be with for ETERNITY sounds impossible. After I came to this realization and after much pondering it was testified to me that we have legions of angels helping us, we have the Holy Ghost helping us, we have our ancestors and posterity helping us, and we have our Savior himself helping us. We have not been left to this decision alone which testifies to me how much Heavenly Father loves and cares for us and wants our happiness. It also testifies to me of the importance of submitting to His ways completely.

Second - What did I learn from my week of yielding to the Spirit (besides that I need more practice)? The answer to this can be summed up in one experience. I have been trying to follow all good promptings that I receive. I received three distinctive ones this week. Two that I talked about before (that I am still working on) and one that took me by surprise. It wasn't a prompting to fix or change something as the other two were the prompting was that I needed a blessing. I didn't know why. I wasn't feeling the need for a blessing besides this prompting. Well I tried to find someone to give me a blessing when I had received this prompting on Wednesday to no avail. I don't have home teachers yet, the elder's quorum president was unreachable, and my friends were all gone. I almost decided to ignore this prompting because I was justifying it away as my own thoughts. But I decided to listen and finally got my blessing today. They didn't ask me questions about why I needed this blessing which I was grateful for because I didn't know what I would tell them...Umm...the Holy Ghost told me to. :) They laid their hands on my head and said something that I didn't even know I needed to hear. They told me that there was a reason I was in this ward. I needed to know that I was on the right track and that I was where I was supposed to be and didn't even know it. How grateful I am that I have a Heavenly Father that knows how to reach me and teach me about things like yielding to the Spirit.

So why yield to the Spirit?

Because only by our yielding can we receive what Heavenly Father knows we need that we aren't aware we need. How beautiful it is that it ties into submitting to the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. BEAUTIFUL! Relating to your first comment - I can't believe I got married at 20!? I had no idea what I was doing. I'm SO grateful, though, that I received a definite answer about marrying aaron. It has gotten me through some tough times as a reassurance that although I didn't (and still) didn't know enough to make that decision, Heavenly Father and the legion of angels did. Second, what a beautiful answer, Brynn! Make sure you go to all your church activities. :)
