Sunday, August 21, 2011

Quiet Time

I was recently pondering my life and my current situation. Suddenly I was overcome with a grateful heart. I am grateful for and cherish these quiet times in life.

I just came through a trial. I learned a lot and struggled a lot. I used up every ounce of testimony and faith I had stored from years past to make it through. I leaned on friends and family and the rest of my resources. But is a quiet time.

This quiet time is not here to congratulate myself for a job well done. This is a time of rebuilding. This is a time for me to strengthen my testimony and faith. This is a time to replenish my reservoir to make it through the next trial.

I WILL increase my faith and testimony. I WILL be better equipped to handle the next trial that is surely on its way. I WILL not get caught up in the calmness of this quiet time and waste it away.

The most beautiful part is that by making it through the prior trial I am already full of an increase in faith...I am already ahead.

I WILL be prepared.

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